
New Look

By just1world on 8:54 PM
So I decided to take out some time. . .get my hands dirty with some XML/HTML and change up the layout of this blog.

I was really just tired of seeing the same bland vertical scrolling design over and over again. So many bloggers just stick with one of the default templates that Blogger/WordPress give you and never do more than change the colors a little [nothing wrong with that tho. . .].

I decided that if I’m gonna keep this blog long term, and more importantly to motivate myself to post with good content [and maybe even attract some readership] it would be a good idea to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Initially I was going to really do a major re-haul and start from scratch, reviving my HTML skills from the dead, but instead was inspired from a friend’s site to work from a pre-designed template.

Unfortunately, unlike said friend, I am not willing to dish out $20-$40 for a pretty basic base template from a ho-hum web design team, instead I grabbed one of the free WordPress templates online, did some artsy Photoshop work (for header), and fiddled with the XML/HTML code [A LOT!] until I got a decent final look [what your looking at now].

On afterthought, the header isn’t exactly what my blog is about. . .although the idea for this blog stems from my journey in languages, I really plan on writing about a number of different topics that cross my mind [mostly in the context of CJK languages, Entrepreneurship, Business, and the world]. The header right now, doesn’t really capture this and emphasizes the language thing a bit too much.

Anyway, this is kind of like an initial draft just to get the overall look going. Since I have dusted off the old web skills, it should be easier to change the layout up and get a more accurate feel in the near future. The next couple of posts should guide me in that regard, as they will be more resemblant of what kind of blog I’m writing here and where its going along with my life.

Oh yea, if your reading this and the site doesn’t have its own name yet (as in a non ‘.blogspot.com’), give me some suggestions in the comments. [yes, I AM willing to shell out $10 for my own domain name]

Also, pics aren’t mine. Just random ones I like from flickr. . .[hmm, should really cite that on the home page somehow shouldn’t I?. . .]