

By just1world on 9:06 PM
As you could guess I have taken my own advice from the previous post and changed my career direction a bit. I'm currently working my ass off trying to build a strong foundation for a future career working in Asia with CJK businesses and organizations. So I've had to limit my time spent doing language study a little. Right now, mainly to prepare for some standardized testing [GRE!!] coming up.

I still study daily, but it's usually spent doing Anki reps: going through Korean blogs and articles then inputting unknowns to Anki, and the ChinesePod lessons (listening then dialogue input to Anki).

After finishing the first 1,000 and doing a review for the first 500 of RTK, I have been pretty much neglecting Japanese, which I need to remedy. I also need to get back on track with my Hanzi list as well. [Oh no! I might not be able to finish ~3,000 Chinese+Japanese characters by end of summer! Ahhhh!!!]