
Finding time to study

By Anonymous on 1:15 AM

I really need to make out time each day for language learning. It’s so important to me and I think it is such an important skill, regardless of how popular the language your learning is, yet the amount of time I spend actually studying is getting smaller and smaller as my responsibilities increase and my attempts at putting my life on a good track become more involving.
I just graduated from college and I’ve been trying to figure out how my career choice could involve learning languages or how knowing languages could be a major benefit (it always is, but I want it to be a focal point of my future career), I found what I thought was and still think is a pretty damn good way but my choice was kinda shutdown by the powers at be (parents...lol) and I am being pushed to focus on a different career path. . .never fear though I am still looking for ways around this~

Anyway, focusing on other things has left me/will leave me with little language study time, pushed to the very end of my day. I was hoping that I could jam 2hours of studying at this time, starting around 11pm/12pm every night, but there are a few other tasks my end of the day are devoted to (writing in my blogs for example, =D) and I’m also usually either tired and sleepy, hungry, or get caught up doing something else (browsing foreign websites, chatting with friends, watching foreign movies/tv, and catching up on my delicious favorites are the worst offenders though in a way are all related to learning ). On top of all this after I study or do w/e, I am left with only a few hours of sleep, which after, I need to wake up at 6am to teach online.

It’s actually not that bad...and a lot of what I do on my own has the languages I learn already embedded in it (passive learning) but my focused intensive studying (active learning) is very lacking. Maybe I’m complaining too much cuz if I organized and focused better I could probably find more than a few hours to study. . .but considering my division of languages and the time I WOULD LIKE to devote to them, specifically during the day, its highly insufficient in my eyes., thus why I need languages to be a central part of my future career.

Bleh, I‘ll figure it out I suppose~. . .and now I shall try to sit down and do an hour of Chinese characters before I pass out!! YahooOOOooo

Next Entry: My Mandarin Chinese approach! (including profile, answers to questions posted last entry, progress, dated goals, etc.)

- From TODAY ON 12am to 2am will be my “Language Time” (intensive/active), no if’s, but’s, and’s, or’s about it. . .once the clock hits 12 I stop everything and do language study of the day for two hours. If I can start earlier and get in 2hours before “Language Time” then I can do other things after the 2hours, otherwise I MUST get in my 2hours EVERYNIGHT! (passive doesn’t count for 2hour quota)
- Make Lang of day timetable
- Get other duties cleared out of the way as early as possible and use time to do LangStudy. If 2hour quota (active) is met, can move to next Lang in table. LangTime will always be used (if start early, must end within time period).
- Organize!!!