
The Beginning...

By Anonymous on 2:13 AM
Happy New Year!
Ok, so I'm finally going to start writing in this blog, even though i set it up months ago. I have started writing 2 other blogs today as a new, kind of change of life thing that i decided i would do on the New Year. This blog is for the linguaphile part of me.
The title of the blog explains it all "A personal journal of my triumphs, failures, and overall struggle with the languages I wish i could speak. . .". I am absolutly obsessed with learning languages and have been doing so for quite a while now. This is an attempt to make myself more productive and chronicle my long road to fluency.

My language "lovers" are Korean, Chinese, Hindi, French, Arabic, and Japanese (probably more will come hehe). This is in order of they're relative importance to me, but i spend considerable time on each.

Because i am quite tired right now, and really need to sleep. . .i will explain how i have come to love languages, why they are important to me, and why i want to learn as well as my basic thoughts on each of the aforementioned langauges in the next entry. (maybe including my approach for each language, like a lanuage profile, but we'll see how long that takes)

- This blog is mostly for language learning progress and anything in my life language related (you could probably say that includes everything couldn't ya? lol).
- What I have done/studied/learned between each post
-My methods of study and resources ( critically analyze each - what found difficult and what learned from it)
- Language interactions, language in use, voice recordings, exemplary linguists. . .etc.