
Some steps forward. . .some steps back

By Anonymous on 12:08 PM
Ok, its been another two weeks. . .seems like 2 weeks is about the time when I start to feel the need to get off my ass and write another entry~
That should probably be changing now since I decided to get rid of my personal/life blog. I realized that my life blog wasn’t really getting any action and I didn’t feel motivated AT ALL to write in it. Also, language is my life, I wake up thinking about languages and I go to sleep thinking about languages, so of course my life pretty much revolves around them. Thus anything that goes on in my personal life would probably be just as relevant here as it would be on its own. On that note, I should be incorporating more of my thoughts on diversified topics on here and filtering them through a linguaphiles eyes/mind.

Some updates:
- Completed the first step in my goal of 500 Chinese characters per month!! Although it’s just a bit spotty (there are about 12 or so I haven’t highlighted in the first group of 500) I am certain I know more than 500 Chinese characters now, including ones that were not in the first group, that I already know. This is really exciting cuz I was able to keep up with a pretty tough and strict goal and if I can keep going at this rate, I will have around 3,000 in June which would be awesome.

-Korean is going strong as usual. . .daily Anki reps, lots of TV shows and Cyworld mining, and chatting online. . .I really need to tackle the disparity between my listening/reading comprehension and speaking abilities tho.

-Slacked off on Japanese and Hindi. Got a little busy and had to cut back on these two. . .plus I’m still not sure exactly how to approach Japanese. I had been thinking I could just do Kanji like I‘m doing Hanzi, but it seems to be a more complicated matter than that. . .I think I’ve found a book to settle this though, but we’ll see.

Anyway, all is going pretty well. . .ok, I’m gonna end here and just list some topics I want to talk about in the next couple of entries.
- Language Approaches! (Korean next)
- CJK (what is this you ask? Weeellll…you’ll find out when I write about it)
- How to make the most of your languages (you know 40+ languages. . .great. . .now what are you going to do with it??)
- Language Vlogs and audio recordings/pod cast (feeling like you sound like an idiot can be a wonderful motivator)
- Influences your L2 has on your L3 ( some interesting stuff here that I just noticed)
- “ your blog is about languages, why do I see mostly English?”. . .this is what I keep asking myself and has been making me kinda feel like a hypocrite if I don’t start writing in other scripts (at least Korean and some Chinese).

- one step a day. . .